Pennsylvania Steps Up Electric Vehicle Game

Pennsylvania is introducing new policies in order to ramp up the amount of electric vehicles and the infrastructure needed to support them in the state. They aim to create a consumer education program, connect with car dealers to boost electric vehicle (EV) production, and are crafting new legislation to encourage utilities to invest in transportation electrification. Time of use electric rate plans are also being encouraged so consumers charge trend towards charging their EV during the low demand night times.

Kevin Miller, the director of public policy at the electric vehicle charging company ChargePoint, is part of the Drive Electric Pennsylvania Coalition, a collaboration among state agencies, industry, community and academic leaders. He says, “Pennsylvania is in a leadership position around the country. Pulling together all the relevant stakeholders — staff at state agencies, municipal leaders, researchers, advocates — is a critical first step that many other states are just starting to contemplate doing.”

States need to work together to avoid duplicating efforts. Late last year Pennsylvania, along with eight Northeastern states and Washington, D.C., announced plans to create a new regional cap for vehicle emissions. The initiative is still taking shape but will likely include efforts to promote electric vehicles. As states plan together they need make sure the growth in vehicle sales and charging infrastructure does not remain confined to urban areas. Rural areas have been left out in early planning, and they have to be included or else EV drivers could get into trouble when going through areas with no EV chargers around. With all the coordination around the technology, widespread adoption is an exciting horizon that humanity can look and grow towards while leaving fossil fuels in the dust.