PG&E Offering $800 Electric Vehicle Rebate
/Right now you can receive an $800 rebate from PG&E under the right circumstances for having an electric vehicle. As long as you’re an active client of PG&E, own or lease an eligible plug-in electric vehicle, and have your car’s registration up to date you are eligible for this rebate. However, PG&E does say funds are limited and it’s first come serve so it’s hard to say how long this will last. Also, you can only get one rebate per car in its lifetime so you may wanna save it for another time if you’re not strapped for cash right now. This rebate comes from a State of California program called the Low Carbon Fuel Standard. The goal of this program is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation by encouraging the adoption of electric vehicles. Clean electricity used to fuel electric vehicles has helped reduce green house gas emissions by 66 percent so far in California!