Bernie Sanders Proposes Huge Environmental Action Plan

The plan essentially aims to remove all fossil fuel supported systems in the US by 2030. The Sanders Green New Deal strives to remake essentially all aspects of U.S. society by eliminating support for the fossil fuel industry and booming clean energy through investments in wind, solar, energy efficiency, and electrified transport. The plan’s ambition comes with the characteristic Sanders candor, “The federal government electrified America as part of the New Deal. The United States of America put people on the moon 50 years ago. We can sure as hell transform our energy system away from fossil fuels to 100 percent renewables today and create millions of jobs in the process.” The plan would require an investment of $16.3 trillion, the biggest spend a Democratic candidate has proposed thus far, with $1.52 trillion going directly to renewable energy and $852 billion to the build-out of energy storage. To pay for it all, the Sanders campaign said it would eliminate fossil fuel subsidies, cut back global military spending on oil-related activities, and rely on new income tax revenue from the 20 million jobs it said the plan will create. The Sanders administration would also rake in money from electricity revenues between 2023 and 2035, after which it said electricity will be “virtually free,” as well as making the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share." This call from the Sanders camp is exactly what we need to see in our leaders in order to make the big changes that this planet demands. We can’t tip toe around trying to make small changes here and there in how we produce and use our energy, we each have to do as much as we can asap in order to give ourselves and our kids the best chance to evade living on a toxic planet.

$800 Clean Fuel Rebate Offered by PG&E

Right now if you own an Electric Vehicle (EV) you could be eligible for an $800 rebate which is about a year and a half worth of electricity to fuel your car! The first eligibility requirement is that you’re a current residential PG&E client and the account holder can also apply for anyone else in the household who owns an EV. The EV cannot have any previous rebates already applied, it must be current on registration, and use the same address as the PG&E account. You just need your PG&E bill and current registration card ready when applying online. Once submitted, PG&E will review everything and mail you an $800 check if approved! Hop on this quick or else you may miss it!

Who's Ready in Berkeley for a Possible 8 Days Without Electricity

Just recently PG&E created a website to help educate the public on what to do for natural disasters and the possibility of a “public safety power shutoff event” in the Berkeley area. Berkeley councilwoman Susan Wengraf is not satisfied with PG&E’s explanations of the intricacies of shutting off the power. She said, “I don’t think they’ve really explained to anybody how it’s going to work — and maybe they don’t know how it’s going to work. The impacts of their turning off power are so enormous.” Wengraf also noted that power could be shut off in Berkeley even if there’s issues in other parts of the state. “That is a possibility, but we don’t know. It all depends on the fire conditions,” said Darin Cline, manager of Public Affairs & Governmental Relations for PG&E in the Bay Area. Due to the deadly fires from last year the state has given PG&E and other utilities the power to shut off electricity in certain areas of the state at will. So the question still remains, are you prepared for this? Here at Ally Electric and Solar we offer the best bang for your buck solar system, can bundle home storage batteries, electric vehicle chargers, and high quality electrical services depending on each clients unique needs.